Club News
Columbus Presents Nearly $7,000 and In-Person Support to Community Groups

The Rotary Club of Columbus recently completed two projects that work with local organizations to serve local youth in Columbus. First, the club presented grants totaling $6,860 to five local nonprofits to support their work in the community. Second, 16 Rotarians, including the District Governor, collaborated with Cure Violence, Girls Inc, and Parks & Recreation to provide a program to youth at the Frank D. Chester Recreation & Senior Center on Wednesday, October 11.

The club invites its almost 300 members to donate the number of dollars greater than or equal to their age on their birthday every year. Those funds are earmarked for the club’s Children’s Fund, which disburses grants to local nonprofits. This year, five grants totaling $6,860 were awarded to Clement Arts for a student-led art show, Open Door Community House for a STEAM robotics program, the Columbus Symphony Orchestra’s Making Music Matters program, the Youth Orchestra of Greater Columbus for their Whitewater Music Festival, and the Chattahoochee Council, BSA for their Scouting program. The grants were awarded at the August 30 meeting at the Columbus Trade Center.

In October, Columbus Rotarians collaborated with Cure Violence, Girls Inc, and Parks & Recreation to provide food and a program to youth at the Frank D. Chester Recreation & Senior Center. Rotarians spoke inspirational words of encouragement that it is possible to choose a productive path in life and shared career advice with the youth. Volunteers served the youth a meal and engaged in some friendly competition on the basketball court to round out the evening. "Thank you so much for the encouragement and push.” Sharon Calhoun, Columbus Parks & Recreation.

“First and foremost, don’t let this be the only time you visit Sharon, Frank Chester center and her boys. As stated on Wednesday evening at the project, "they need someone who may not necessarily look like them, let them know that they are loved.” Gail Burgos, CEO of Girls Inc.

Posted by Julie Bond
November 29, 2023


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