Auntie André Needs You!

The District Is Looking For Your Help

Auntie André thanks you for considering a role outside of your club. Here are the details of the leadership opportunities the district is looking to fill. If you are interested in any of these, reach out to DGE Gordon Owens at (404)597-5434 or GOrotaryDG@gmail.com:

District Governor Nominee Designate: Nominations are open for the 2026-2027 District Governor. This is an honor of a lifetime that all past presidents should seriously consider. You get to travel the world for training, visit all the clubs in our district and build better friendships along the way. If you are considering it and want to learn more about the role, any PDG would be happy to talk with your about what it's like to be Governor.

District Treasurer: Help the district manage our monthly financials. The role requires 8-10 hours per month of your time, a working knowledge of Quickbooks and experience in financial reporting. This is a great way for those with a financial/accounting background to lend their expertise to Rotary. We would love to identify this person soon so they can work with our current treasurer, Teri White, before their term starts on July 1, 2024.

Assistant Governor: Were you an awesome club president? Want to help clubs in your area grow their impact in the community? If you answered yes to both of these, we need you! AGs are like a coach and help 3-4 club presidents in their area prepare for and lead their clubs during the Rotary year. This is a great way to build relationships with surrounding communities. For next year we have AG openings for LaGrange, Columbus, Albany & Thomasville.

Public Image Team: If you are creative, love things like Canva or posting to social media and a bit crazy we want you on the Public Image team. Help us create promotions for District Conference, Foundation Giving, Polio+, Membership and more. We need help producing videos, podcasts and captivating visual content so bring your expertise to this rare virtual volunteer opportunity that only requires a few hours each month.

Foundation Team: Love to fundraise? Help us promote Rotary Foundation and Polio+ giving around the district. We have some fun things in the works for both of these efforts but they're still Top Secret at this time. Maybe you have a passion for service and want to help clubs with community or global grants either way, the foundation team wants you!

Posted by André Marria
September 24, 2023


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