Special guests (from L to R): PDG Jim Squire, Past RI President Mark Maloney, DG André Marria, PDG George Granade and Past RI Director Robert Hall
Evening's Keynote Speaker Past RI President Mark Daniel Maloney (far left) and his wife Gay were given a warm welcome by District Governor André Marria and her husband Walter (second row) and Rotary Club President Tripp Penn (far right) and his wife Megan
The planning committee started meeting last May to plan this event.
September 27, 2023 was the actual 100 Year Anniversary for the Rotary Club of
LaGrange. In celebration of the occasion an Anniversary Gala Event was held
downtown LaGrange at Del'Avant the night before. The keynote speaker for the
event was Rotary International Past President Mark Daniel Maloney (2019-2020).
Mark was accompanied by his wife Gay.
The event
was attended by 128 individuals and included additional RI and District 6900
representatives, including Past RI Director Robert Hall and his wife Charlene,
District Governor André Marria and husband Walter, District Trainer Tracy Van
Norman and his wife Beth, PDG George Granade and his wife Jill, PDG Jim Squire,
Assistant Governor Susan Ferguson and husband Charlie, and PAG Sheri Cody. The
club's current president, Paul S. "Tripp" Penn served as the
evening's Master of Ceremony.
took the time to give a review of Rotary through the years, pointing out the
progress of the organization while emphasizing the role of the Rotary Club of
LaGrange played during those years. Maloney's comments were both enlightening
and and even humorous and was well received by his audience.
Willie T. Edmondson, LaGrange Mayor and LaGrange Rotarian, presented President
Penn with an official proclamation that highlighted the Rotary Club of
LaGrange's contribution to LaGrange over the past 100 years.
The evening was enjoyed by all and was an elegant celebration for the Rotary Club of LaGrange's 100 Year Anniversary.