Magic of Rotary
What Would You Do With A Magic Wand?

I have been asking clubs during my visits, "If you had a magic wand and could do anything to help your community, what would it be?" So far, early childhood education is the common theme with literacy being the primary focus. I've heard statements like, "I would make sure every child could read before they start school" from several clubs. I encourage you to think about this question and dream big! There isn't a thing we can think of that a group of dedicated Rotarians can't turn into reality in your community. Let's show them the Magic of Rotary.

Posted by Gordon Owens
August 1, 2024


Posted by Mark Barbour
Rotary Club of Marietta
August 6, 2024 9:00am

EXCEPTIONAL 'magical' challenge'... to dream bigger dreams and accomplish life-enriching service projects this Rotary Year!

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