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The Bulletin

July 17, 2021

Home of
Immediate Past District Governor
Jim Squire
Past District Governors
Frank Bentley,
Ralph Thurmond,
and Barry Smith


July is New Rotary Year Month

Our Rotary Family

7/4 Linda Randolph
7/15 Nancy Schroeder


7/19 Brandon Neill (0)

Rotary Online


Sandy Springs

Mondays, 12:15 pm
Sandy Springs, Georgia
Hilton Perimeter Suites
6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, NE
Sandy Springs, GA 30328 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Nancy Schroeder
President-Elect Charan Shikh
Treasurer John Neill
Treasurer Brian Ghannam
Secretary Scott Einfeldt
Membership Bill Snellings
Foundation Will MacArthur

President Nancy Schroeder's Welcome Message

On behalf of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs, I welcome you to visit our club and experience the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs' hospitality and energy. We meet on Monday for lunch at 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the Hilton Perimeter Suites, 6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Sandy Springs, GA 30328. You can reserve a spot by going to our website at www.sandyspringsrotary.org. Join your fellow professionals, and community and business leaders, and learn how Rotary can fit in your future. Experience Rotary Making A Difference!

Upcoming Program
Jan Paul Executive Director of Leadership Sandy Springs is our next Speaker

Please visit us at the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs Monday July 19th and enjoy the chance to meet and hear from Jan Paul, the Executive Director of Leadership Sandy Springs.

Ms. Paul became the Executive Director in 2015 after serving as Director of Development & Events since 2013. Jan was a member of the Leadership Sandy Springs Class of 2013 and joined the staff upon graduation.

Under her leadership, Leadership Sandy Springs has grown significantly by expanding its adult and youth class programs and adding numerous community-wide events that have had a positive impact on the community. The addition of the Live Learn Lead program earned the organization the Best Innovative Program award from the Association of Leadership Programs.

Prior to Jan’s nonprofit career, she was co-owner and partner of a marketing communications firm, iSquared Communications, with her husband Rusty Paul, where she oversaw public relations and marketing for the company. ISquared Communications was recognized by the Atlanta Business Chronicle one of the Top 10 small public relations firms in the Atlanta area.

Jan has more than 40 years’ experience in leadership, strategic planning, sales management, fundraising and business development. She was appointed by Gov. Sonny Perdue to serve on the Georgia Public Broadcasting board, where she served for 16 years, with 4 years as board Chairperson and Vice Chair. Also, Jan has partnered with other statewide agencies, served on the Vestry and numerous committees of Holy Innocents Episcopal Church, along with partnering with numerous nonprofit organizations in Sandy Springs.

This meeting can be attended in-person at the Hilton Suites.
6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, NE Sandy Springs Georgia
The meeting begins at 12:15pm and ends at 1:15pm

This meeting can also be attended via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 830 5329 7439

More information about Leadership Sandy Springs can be found here: https://www.leadershipsandysprings.org/

Past Program
Gail Jokerst - President-Elect of the Sandy Springs Society

This past Monday we had the pleasure of hearing from Gail Jokerst. Gail is the President-elect of The Sandy Springs Society. The Sandy Springs Society was created in 1988 by 16 civic minded women. Since then, their membership has grown to over 300 hardworking, dedicated women. Their mission is to improve the quality of life in Sandy Springs by supporting nonprofit organizations that contribute to our community.

They support organizations that promote the arts, heritage, education, the environment and social services in Sandy Springs. The Sandy Springs Society is committed to improving the community by identifying and supporting community needs and programs of broad interest through effective action.

Two of their programs include the creation of the “Town Turtles”, and the creation of the Sandy Springs Entertainment Lawn at Heritage Sandy Springs. The Sandy Springs Society also purchased 172 acres of park land to create the Abernathy Park, the Allen Road Park, the Big Trees Forest Preserve and the Great Park at Morgan Falls plus several more. Other projects include the funding of the Archival and Research Library as well as the funding of the Permanent Exhibit on Sandy Springs history at Heritage Sandy Springs Museum.

Their fundraising events include “Tossed Out Treasures” which is in March of each year and “The Elegant Elf Marketplace” which is November of each year.

In photo from left to right; Gail Jokerest - President of the Sandy Springs Society, Nancy Schroeder - 2020-2021 President of the Sandy Springs Rotary Club

The Rotary Club of Sandy Springs applauds the superb endeavor of Gail and women of the Sandy Springs Society. Our community truly benefits from the magnificent results of their dedication.

These photos and more are available for free in their original resolution at this link: https://rotaryclubofsandysprings.zenfolio.com/p648339619

More information about the Sandy Springs Society can be found at their web site: https://sandyspringssociety.org/

A Quick Glimpse of our July Rotary Meeting Dates
