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The Bulletin

May 5, 2021

Home of
Immediate Past District Governor
Jim Squire
Past District Governors
Frank Bentley,
Ralph Thurmond,
and Barry Smith


May is Youth Service Month

5/10 Board & Club meeting
5/17 Club meeting, RI Director Peter Kyle (zoom)
6/7 Club meeting
6/14 Board & Club meeting

Our Rotary Family

5/7 Jane Barwick
5/12 Gene Jordan
5/16 Frank Bentley, Jr.
5/30 Brian Ghannam


5/4 Chris Burnett (30)
5/14 Ralph Thurmond (38)

Rotary Online


Sandy Springs

Mondays, 12:15 pm
Sandy Springs, Georgia
Hilton Perimeter Suites
6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, NE
Sandy Springs, GA 30328 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President John Neill
President-Elect Nancy Schroeder
Treasurer Zac Boswell
Secretary Scott Einfeldt
Foundation Will MacArthur
Membership Gene Jordan

Welcome to the Sandy Springs Rotary Club

Welcome Sandy Springs Rotarians, friends and guests.

So far, this Rotary year has been challenging coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. We thank all who have been able to attend meetings in person and on Zoom. Although our service projects have been limited by the virus we have been able to help school children needing distance learning and for those in our community needing food. We are also doing great with our medical recycling program benefiting seniors. I thank our club members and officers in working hard to hopefully have our club once again achieve “Club of the Year” status.

Visitors are welcome to experience the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs' hospitality and energy. Meetings are typically the 1st, 2nd & 4th Mondays. Lunch is served at noon and the 1 hour program begins at 12:15. Hilton Perimeter Suites, 6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Sandy Springs, GA 30328.

Reserve a spot by going to our website at www.sandyspringsrotary.org. Join your fellow professionals, community and business leaders, and learn how Rotary can benefit your future. Experience Rotary Making Things Happen in Sandy Springs!

Upcoming Program
Francis Horton - CEO for the Community Assistance Center

Monday, May 9th, The Rotary Club of Sandy Springs will have Francis Horton, CEO of Community Assistance Center as its guest speaker.

The Community Assistance Center (CAC) brings together the Sandy Springs and Dunwoody communities to provide compassionate assistance to neighbors in need by providing financial support, helping to meet basic needs and promoting self-reliance.

Francis Horton was trained early in his career as an attorney with his J.D. from Mississippi College School of Law and a Bachelor of Science degree from Mississippi State. He and Angie have 4 children, and 10 grandchildren, and they look forward to being a strong part of the Sandy Springs and Dunwoody communities where he can share his global experiences in his own community with support from his family. He spent 20 years living overseas and addressing issues of poverty through community development as well as leading responses to a myriad of disasters. From his many years working in Africa, Asia, and Pakistan with International Mission Board, Samaritan's Purse and others Horton has a proven track record of building, training, managing and inspiring multi-cultural teams. This work has included hundreds of volunteers across countries diverse in race, religion and ethnicity.

Francis exemplifies servant leadership with his extensive background in nonprofits both domestically and in developing countries in the field of community development. He understands both the circumstances and conditions leading to poverty, and more importantly, has years of frontline experience designing and implementing models to help people recover from natural disasters, food insecurity, inadequate housing, and poor access to education and sustainable jobs.

More information about the CAC can be found here: https://www.ourcac.org/

This meeting can be attended in-person at the Hilton Suites.
6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, NE Sandys Springs Georgia
The meeting begins at 12:15pm and ends at 1:15pm

This meeting can also be attended via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 830 5329 7439

Past Program
Deborah Boswell Taught us a Secret Skill

Our program this past Monday, May 3rd, was Deborah Boswell of Professional Speech Consultants of Alabama. The program however was not about professional speaking. It was about about listening. She referred process as teaching to be a listening leader and listening skills and the body language that goes along with it.

She spent most of her time talking about the “Five Top Listening Habits.” They are:
1) Listen to learn instead of listening to respond.
2) Invest in Mindfullness.
3) Get into their movie. In other words, be totally engaged in your listening. Do not allow distractions to get in the way of your listening.
4) Listen with your eyes and ears. Let your body language reinforce your listening so the speaker knows they have your complete attention.
5) If you say “Yes”...  Sometimes the time someone asks for your attention in not a good time. It is OK to say no but to reschedule. But, when “Yes” time comes along, give them your complete attention. One of Deborah’s strongest statements was, Listening is a gift that we give to others.

You can learn more about Deborah and her business at her website, www.deborahboswell.com.

These photos and more are available in original resolution at: https://rotaryclubofsandysprings.zenfolio.com/p78962925

A Look Ahead
A quick glimpse of our Rotary meeting dates
