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The Bulletin

July 17, 2020

Home of
Immediate Past District Governor
Jim Squire
Past District Governors
Frank Bentley,
Ralph Thurmond,
and Barry Smith


July is New Rotary Year Month

Our Rotary Family

7/4 Linda Randolph
7/15 Nancy Schroeder


Rotary Online


Sandy Springs

Mondays, 12:15 pm
Hilton Suites
6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, NE
Sandy Springs, GA 30328 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President John Neill
President-Elect Charan Shikh
Treasurer Zac Boswell
Secretary Scott Einfeldt
Foundation Will MacArthur

Welcome to the Sandy Springs Rotary Club

Welcome Sandy Springs Rotarians to the new Rotary year. It will be hard to top last year but we'll do it with your help & support. Kudos to past president Nancy Schroeder and PDG Jim Squire for your service and helping the club receive many awards at the District Celebration including our second "Club of the Decade" designation.

Some changes are being made in our club's meeting program to make it more varied & interesting. We will be adding the Sandy Springs Business Spotlight, a third raffle drawing, and wine one meeting a month. Members are now asked to come a little earlier as lunch will begin at noon with the program to start promptly at 12:15. Along with our traditional club events & projects we'll have a couple more service projects/media events, membership events (Rotary Pizza Night at Pontoon) and different Family of Rotary social events. I look forward to engaging with you to make it a exciting year.

Visitors are welcome to experience the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs' hospitality and energy. Meetings are typically the 1st, 2nd & 4th Mondays. Lunch is served at noon and the 1 hour program begins at 12:15. Hilton Perimeter Suites, 6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Sandy Springs, GA 30328. Reserve a spot by going to our website at www.sandyspringsrotary.org. Join your fellow professionals, community and business leaders, and learn how Rotary can benefit your future. Experience Rotary Making Things Happen in Sandy Springs!


Family of Rotary Event
Rotary Pizza Night at Pontoon Brewery

All are welcome to join the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs for this special family of Rotary night at Pontoon Brewing.

Friday, July 31th, the SSRC invites everyone to come on out, bring the family, and bring some guests to enjoy the Pizza and beer from our own local brewery here in Sandy Springs.

6:00 - 7:00 happy hour


8601 Dunwoody Place ​Building 500, Suite 500 ​Sandy Springs, GA 30350

We look forward to seeing you all!

Upcoming Program
Murang Pak of Global Risk Advisors to address the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs

On Monday, August 3rd, at 12:15, Mr. Murang Pak will be speaking to the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs. Murang Pak is co-founder and President of Global Risk Advisers and also serves as the Chief Operating Officer. Global Risk Advisers is a consulting firm specializing in enterprise risk management and business due diligence. Prior to co-founding the firm, Mr. Pak served in the FBI for over 23 years and retired in 2019. He is a recognized expert in complex investigations, intelligence/data collection, and risk management.

Mr. Pak has served in a number of roles in the FBI as a Special Agent. For the first eight years of his career, he investigated organized crime matters as both a case agent and an undercover agent. In this capacity, he successfully indicted multiple enterprises utilizing the enterprise method of investigation and RICO statutes. He then served his next two years as a Supervisory Special Agent at FBI Headquarters in the Organized Crime Section focused on LCN and Italian Organized Crime matters and managed the most high-profile organized crime investigations throughout the country.

As an operational leader, Mr. Pak was responsible for the oversight of a regional undercover program based out of Miami. He provided oversight and leadership of the most sensitive undercover operations throughout the country, utilizing sophisticated techniques, assets, and resources around the globe. He formed critical relationships with partners internationally with his team to successfully advance investigations and recover assets. Years later, he established the first International Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence hybrid squad focused solely on a specific state-sponsored terrorist country. His work in this field is still classified.

In 2011, Mr. Pak was appointed by the FBI Director to serve as the FBI Senior Liaison Officer to the Department of Homeland Security. There, he managed an FBI staff dedicated to promoting and sharing intelligence between the two agencies and worked very closely with Secretary Janet Napolitano and her executive staff. This was a critical role in ensuring collaboration and coordination of efforts at the highest levels of both agencies.

As the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Atlanta division, he has had oversight of the Intelligence Program, the Counterterrorism Program, and the Operational Support programs that encompass all specialty squads that work behind the scenes. He also served as the Chief Compliance Officer for the Atlanta division.

Mr. Pak graduated with a BA in political science from the University of North Florida and with an MBA from Michigan State University. He also received his Executive Certification of Chief Risk Officer from Carnegie Mellon University in 2018.

Please join us at 12:15 Monday afternoon and give Mr. Pak a warm Rotary welcome.

More information about Mr. Pak and Global Risk Advisers can be found here: https://www.globalriskadvisers.com/

Previous Program
Senator Kay Kirkpatrick, MD spoke to the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs

On Monday July 20th Senator Kay Kirkpatrick was welcomed to the podium by the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs. Senator Kirkpatrick started her presentation by noting that this year session set a new record for being the longest in Georgia’s history. The cause of the extended (two part) session was due to the COVID-19 pandemic. She herself was infected by the virus and has thankfully recovered well. She is a volunteer plasma donor now since she potentially carries helpful antibodies. Her plan is to continue as long as those COVID-19 antibodies are valid. We salute your continued efforts to help those in need.

The senator went on to reassure the club that even though Washington DC is a heated partisan boiling pot, that the state government looks much different. “At the state level, it is much more functional than it is in Washington.” We are all much more collegial than many may think. “We do team-up in a by-partisan way on many, many things.” Though, she notes, it is not totally without some drama. Changing the subject quickly after that last statement, Senator Kirkpatrick went on to talk about a number of bills that are in various stages of being passed and two constitutional amendments. Among the bill she spoke about are: The Market place facilitator bill which was passed. The Cares Act – federal money to help education and small business Heroes Act – helped health care facilities and providers dealing with COVID-19 Save our sandwiches bill – was shut down, but she helped to reopen it. Domestic violence bill – clearly defining the word aggressor to help officers at the scene. Holocaust Museum – a $45,000 provision An Early prescription refills - allows for those with long term illnesses to make less trips to the pharmacy Hate Crimes Bill – we were one of 4 states that didn’t have one, but not anymore Elder abuse in long term care facilities Vaping – puts vaping into the same tax structure of cigarettes and raises the age limit. Liability protection bill – raises the standard for a lawsuit for businesses. 23 health care bills – to prevent surprise billing. (like when you’re in-network, but somehow an out-of-network doctor provides treatment. PBM – pharmacy benefit managers. To bring transparency to the industry. You can go to any pharmacy you like.

From left to right. Immediate past President of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs-Nancy Schroeder, Georgia Senator Kay Kirkpatrick MD. and Immediate Past Rotary District 6900 Governor, Jim Squire.

Want to more about Bills? Go to this web site: www.legis.ga.gov
There you can track legislation using keywords in an advanced search keywords or if you know the bill number, use it for even quicker access. The Rotary Club of Sandy Springs would like to thank Senator Kay Kirkpatrick for visiting and sharing the news from this year’s legislative session.

More information about Dr. Kirkpatrick can be found here: http://www.senate.ga.gov/senators/en-US/member.aspx?Member=4910&Session=27

These photos and more can be found here: https://www.zenfolio.com/rotaryclubofsandysprings/e/p432748385

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